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COVID-19 Updates

To Our Valued Customers and Partners,
The global spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has affected everyone across the globe. We have been closely monitoring the situation and wanted to keep you updated on our operations.
We want to assure you that Conklin Office is committed to fulfilling orders. We are operating as normal, with regular deliveries being received across the country on a daily basis. Our crews in-house and on the road have been taking extreme precautions to limit exposure. We are still continuing to meet with clients, many by phone and video conferencing.
Here’s what Conklin Office is doing to reduce the risk of potential transmission:
- Our employees are being asked to adhere to the protocols that the CDC is recommending to help prevent the spread of illness.
- All visitors are welcome, as long as they have not traveled internationally within the past 14 days, and are not experiencing any symptoms similar to Coronavirus such as fever, cough, shortness of breath or any other symptoms that represent respiratory distress.
- All of our areas of operations, offices, and showrooms continue to be thoroughly cleaned on a daily basis.
- We are in daily communication with our manufacturer partners and are working together to plan for delays in their supply chain. We will continue to do our best to meet order deadlines; however, if we need to change any order dates based on shortages, you will be notified so Conklin can rectify the situation the best way possible.
The safety of our employees and on-going business operations is our top priority at this time. We will follow new announcements from Federal and Local governments and keep you up to date.
Please reach out to your sales representative if there are any delays in scheduling or changes of operations in your organization.
Any new announcements can be found on our blog.
We would like to thank you all for your patience during this troubling time. We will continue to operate and provide our clients with exceptional service. If further action is taken by Federal or Local governments, we will keep you up to date on our hours, operations and services. As a family-owned business, our utmost priority is to keep our employees and their families safe and provide excellent service to our valued customers. Please stay safe, be healthy, and be kind to one another!
Thank you,
Conklin Office